

Well everyone! Exciting news!
I got a job! It's at the Rexburg Call Center.
I set my own schedule and can work as many hours as I want!
I am excited. The work won't be that much fun but I am excited for a paycheck!

So now that I have a job, on to finding me a man.
Anyone know any secrets?

Also, my birthday is coming up! I am going to be 21!
Me, Chels, and Noc are gonna have a huge party!
I am excited! I need to find a party dress!

Nicole's birthday is on Monday, a little day otherwise known as...
Valentine's Day! It just so happens that only Chels has a real Valentine.
Me, Noc and Dawn all got Valentines, but we had to ask them.
My two brothers and Blake's roommate Grant.
Aka. Baby Grant

It's gonna be fantastic, mostly it's just gonna be Sunday dinner.
Those boys are lucky that we are cooking for them!

I need gift ideas for Noc and Chels.
I want them to be great and meaningful. So if anyone can help,
I would appreciate it.

I will keep you all posted on the boy situation.
Hopefully things go well!
Gotta accomplish my goals!! :)


3...2...1... Blast-off!

Life has just been so eventful... what with not finding a boy and my unsuccessful job... things couldn't get better. Haha. Actually life isn't too bad. I love being here in Rexburg! I have had some great times with some great people! I wouldn't trade this time for anything... well maybe a job... haha. I know that in due time I will find a job. I just need to keep trying and keep my head up! I just know that things are gonna work out!