
Twins it is!!

To say that Kevin and I's relationship has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. We had a beautiful wedding and the cutest apartment and I love him coming home to me everyday. And now after just under 3 months of wedded bliss, we found out we were pregnant. Exciting of course. But me being the worry wart that I am, stressed and stressed about the risk of miscarriage. I have been reading blogs and articles from pregnant women and their stress didn't help ease mine. So the night before our first ultra sound I did not sleep well at all. I was so worried I would go and they would tell me there was no baby or no heartbeat. It was not a good night, thankfully my wonderful husband took me in his arms and told me everything was going to be ok. That morning while I was waiting for Kev to get home for class so we  could go to our appointment I was reading my daily updates on my pregnancy (the baby was the size of raspberry that day) and was reading all these forum posts about women who went in for the first ultra sound and found out they were having twins. And I thought to myself, I can't even imagine. (Jinxed it) So we get to the appointment, start the ultra sound and the first thing out of the techs mouth. "There's two babies!" I couldn't wrap my head around it. There is one set of twins in my family, I believe they are my grandmothers uncles or something to that effect, none in Kevin's to his knowledge. So really weren't expecting it.
The doctor came in and congratulated us and told us we are now considered a high risk pregnancy, not something you want to hear, and he said the risk of miscarriage is even greater, really not something I wanted to hear. But he followed up with, "But you really shouldn't worry, they have their own placenta's and amniotic sac's and their heartbeats are strong. I think they will do just fine. (A little relief for momma) He said that I would be induced by 38 weeks if I didn't go into labor before that. (I don't have to wait as long as most so that's a plus) I also get to have an appointment every 3-4 weeks with an ultra sound so they can check the growth of both babies. So I get to see them every month!
After the appointment I called my mom and seriously for five minutes she would not believe me, I kept saying mom I have pictures, why would I lie! haha She was just as shocked as I was apparently.
Everyone tells me its so exciting! And don't get me wrong I am very excited, double the babies double the blessings. But I am also stressed, it also means two of everything, we are hoping for the same gender so they can share more things. But we have to get two of all the expensive things. Cribs (luckily I already bought a cheap one so just need to find another), car seats (oh soo expensive, yet oh so necessary) and definitely a stroller, (I don't think I could manage without one.)
The doctor also said people will tell you how hard it is to have twins, but this is your first so you won't know the difference. Too true. I am grateful for that. Also I haven't been super sick. I am nauseous all the time and heartburn is a killer but I will take those over morning sickness any day. My favorite part (and hardest part) is eating! I now have a license to eat and eat, but sadly most things just don't taste great anymore. Its a struggle but it will be worth it. I also get to nap and lots. I really can't complain about that.
I really am so grateful for this blessing. It is going to be a great adventure and I am so glad I have Kevin here to help me through it. And I am grateful for the huge support system we have, I know both our parents would be more than willing to help anyway they can.
Can't wait to start showing. I know I might regret that once I get to be the size of a boat but it will be nice to see and feel them every day. Only a few more weeks till the end of my first trimester. They say the second is the best. Here's hoping!



I AM ENGAGED!!!! To the greatest man around. Just so everyone knows we have been planning on getting married for almost a month now, we have just been waiting for the ring to make it official. The wedding is August 16th in the Twin Falls Idaho Temple!! Woo Hoo!!
So Kevin has had the ring for a few days now, and I knew that he did, so naturally I have been expecting it and he has been trying super hard to surprise me. For a while he had been suggesting that we go Ice Skating and the very first time he suggested that I knew that he wanted to propose there, but I spoiled that... I accidently spilled the beans that I knew his plan, so he had to plan something new... my bad haha.
So yesterday my family and his family got together for a bbq and to see the Beck island. It was so fun.
Just as everyone was getting ready to board the ferry across the river Kevin jumped in the row boat and of course I went with him. I knew something was up when he started rowing down the river and now across it. And just about this time its starts pouring down rain. I know perfect right? So we get down the river and he starts fumbling in his pocket and pulls out his phone... to check the score of his baseball game. I was ticked. Haha but then he pulled out my ring told me he loved and asked me to marry him, and I said yes!! It was perfect!!


:she's all done:

Natalie is officially done with high school!! HAPPY day!! I am so excited!! We are gonna party like it's 1999. Boom Baby!! I can't believe how grown up she is, I was definitely not as cool as her when I graduated. I am the older sister but she is definitely the example. I am 22 and just finally growing up (a little).

Another up date. I have a new boyfriend. The first day we met he asked me out and the rest is history. He's pretty cute and great. His name is Kevin. Tell you more later.

Also I started a new diet and have lost five lbs but look like I have lost about 10. It's pretty awesome when people come up to me and tell me how great I look. It sure makes me feel good. My face is always the first place to gain weight and the first place I lose it, but man I gotta say I do look pretty good.

So ready for summer and for all the summer activities. Such as camping, hiking, swimming, picnics, vacations, star gazing, sleeping on the tramp, BBQ's, fair's, summer concerts, drive-in movie theater, clothes fresh of the clothes line, gardens, raspberries, the OLYMPICS!!!, and so many more! BRING ON SUMMER!!


Road Trip!!!!!

I hereby declare that I am in much need of a road trip. As I have traveled to very few places, here is a list of desired locations:
-Las Vegas
-Anywhere sunny
-A beach
-Anywhere Dawnasaurous and Chello want to go.

Please and thank you. So who wants to go with me!!??


Natalie Ann

Today I am grateful for my sister. She has been such a huge blessing to me lately. She is such an adoable girl. I just love her so much. I would have gone crazy a long time ago. I am grateful for the opportunity we have of it being just the two of us at home. We have grown a whole new respect and love for each other. It's been a lot of fun. I will be sad when she goes to school. I can't believe she is that grown up. She is still just my baby sister.

It's so funny how completely opposite we are in every way and yet we work so well together. She is my best friend. I am excited for her summer break. It's gonna get crazy up in Parma!! Love you little sister!


My little brother is gone. He is going to be such a great little missionary and the people of Jacksonville are so blessed to have him there serving them!


Back to school?

Ok, so as is proper for a young adult, decisions must be made in order to progress in this wonderful thing we call growing up. So my question is should I go back to school and finish in Rexburg? I think one of the best ways to of list out the pros and cons.

So we will start with the pros:
-It is a great school for a great price!
-Love the spirit there.
-Social atmosphere is fantastic.
-Blake and Nicole are there.
-Natalie will be there.
-I would finish school.

-Chels already graduated so I would go in alone.
-It's on the otherside of Idaho.
-I would have no car.

So now I need help in making the decision. I know that I will ultimately make the final decision but it's nice to have input from the people who care. So please feel free to share your thoughts.