
Almost 19 weeks!

I can't believe I am almost halfway! People have finally noticed I am pregnant without me telling them. A creepy guy at work asked how far along I was I told him, and was like its a girl isn't it. And I said we'll one of them is, and then he just went off on how he's been able to tell what woman are having since he was 14. I said, well I'd be more impressed if you said boy and girl, because either one you would have guessed you would have been right... He left. Haha husband has been sick and we are working on getting him better so I can be the complainer again. Just kidding, ok not really. Been feeling the babies lots. They arent strong enough for daddy to feel them but we will get there.

How far along? 18 weeks 6 days!
Maternity clothes? Can't live with out maternity pants.
Stretch marks? Not yet but started my preventative measures.
Sleep? Most of the time great. Just wake up to pee.
Best moment this week? Strangers asking about my baby and I get to correct them and say babies!
Miss anything? Volleyball. Real bad.
Movement? I feel them lots and lots. They just don't like daddy to feel them.
Food cravings? Subway
Anything making you nauseous or sick? Just cleaning the bathrooms at work.
Have you started to show yet? Yes sir!
Labor signs! No thank goodness.
Belly button in or out? In but it's getting all stretched out and weird looking.
Wedding ring on or off? On, thank goodness it was a little big to begin with.
Happy or moody? Mostly happy, but you might want my husbands opinion.
Looking forward too? My next appt. confirming genders so I can stop worrying about them changing.


Too cold!

It's been one of those weeks. Too cold! Too much snow for a pregnant lady! I love the snow but not when I don't get to enjoy some time on the mountain. I think Kevin is missing it too. Someone needs to take him!
It was so cold this morning that our car wouldn't start. Joy. So we took the battery out and brought it in. Hope it helps. Pray for us!
Kevin has been studying hard so happy to be married to such a hard worker. He really is such a sweetheart! Grateful that he found me!
I think I felt a kick today! Can't say for sure but something was going on in there. I finally have a real cute baby bump. Wonder how long it will last before I get huge.
So far my New Years resolution has been a success! I have been cooking dinner every night! Go me! Gives me hope for the future. I just might be able to handle the title mom.

How far along? 16 weeks 2 days
Maternity clothes? Bought a new pair of pants!
Stretch marks? Not yet but started my preventative measures.
Sleep? Most of the time great. Besides waking up at 2 or 3 every night.
Best moment this week? Showing off the baby bump
Miss anything? Snowboarding
Movement? I felt something today. I will call it the babies :)
Food cravings? All things junk food!
Anything making you nauseous or sick? Just cleaning the bathrooms at work.
Have you started to show yet? Yep. It's all down hill from here haha.
Labor signs! No thank goodness.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding ring on or off? On, thank goodness it was a little big to begin with.
Happy or moody? Mostly happy, but you might want my husbands opinion.
Looking forward too? My next appt. love seeing my babies!


The joys and woes of pregnancy

So I am officially 15 weeks and 4 days. At my first appt I thought I was 7 weeks and 1 day and due June 27th. They told me I was 7 weeks and due July 1st... I don't really understand how that works so I say I am due June 28th and with twins thy are probably coming early anyway. On Friday we another ultra sound and found out its for sure a boy and pretty sure a girl. We have decided to name them Jackson and Ellison aka jack and Ellie. Jackson was just showing off like crazy, giving us thumbs up, and showing us his feet and fingers, going crazy. And little Ellie was just sitting there with here legs crossed and wouldn't budge! Little stinker! We got a pretty good view and are fairly confident she's a girl but not as sure as we are about her brother. He wasn't shy. And at the very end Ellie tucked her umbilical cord between her legs. Kevin said, " I hope she stays that modest." We will see. Nonetheless we are over the moon excited!

So I am finally feeling great again. Had a scary week but I guess that's my trade off for no morning sickness. Glad to be normal, and now that I am in my 2nd trimester my energy is coming back! My husband is grateful that I am not sleeping all the time.

How far along? 15 weeks!
Maternity clothes? I have one pair of pants that won't stay up and a few shirts but I wear big shirts anyway so it's nothing new.
Stretch marks? Not yet but started my preventative measures.
Sleep? Most of the time great.
Best moment this week? Learning we have a boy and a girl!
Miss anything? Playing volleyball
Movement? I think so. Hard to tell.
Food cravings? All things junk food!
Anything making you nauseous or sick? Just cleaning the bathrooms at work.
Have you started to show yet? Finally a little bump!
Labor signs! No thank goodness.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding ring on or off? On, thank goodness it was a little big to begin with.
Happy or moody? Mostly happy, but you might want my husbands opinion.
Looking forward to? Really feeling them move.