I AM ENGAGED!!!! To the greatest man around. Just so everyone knows we have been planning on getting married for almost a month now, we have just been waiting for the ring to make it official. The wedding is August 16th in the Twin Falls Idaho Temple!! Woo Hoo!!
So Kevin has had the ring for a few days now, and I knew that he did, so naturally I have been expecting it and he has been trying super hard to surprise me. For a while he had been suggesting that we go Ice Skating and the very first time he suggested that I knew that he wanted to propose there, but I spoiled that... I accidently spilled the beans that I knew his plan, so he had to plan something new... my bad haha.
So yesterday my family and his family got together for a bbq and to see the Beck island. It was so fun.
Just as everyone was getting ready to board the ferry across the river Kevin jumped in the row boat and of course I went with him. I knew something was up when he started rowing down the river and now across it. And just about this time its starts pouring down rain. I know perfect right? So we get down the river and he starts fumbling in his pocket and pulls out his phone... to check the score of his baseball game. I was ticked. Haha but then he pulled out my ring told me he loved and asked me to marry him, and I said yes!! It was perfect!!