You hear all the time about pregnant women and nesting, and they just go crazy cleaning everything. Well I have hit the nesting stage. I am not super crazy about it like scrubbing the baseboards with a toothbrush but I do clean a lot more than I used to. The biggest thing is their nursery is driving me nuts. I am only halfway but I seriously feel like I need to get it ready for them now and if I don't I never will. Oh joys.
Their room is so bland and boring and we live in an apartment so we can't paint the walls, so I had to be creative in adding color. So far I only have their wall art done, but I plan to paint their dresser a teal color and eventually paint their cribs either dark brown or black, just so they coordinate a little more.
I still need to work on their crib skirts. I have sketched out my idea. I am going to make the out of burlap and paint their names on them. I then it will be cute. I found a cute pattern for some stuffed elephants that I really want to make for the babies. For now I will just post pictures of their wall. I am quite proud.
My mom made pinwheels for my wedding reception and I loved the whimsy of them s I thought I would do that in their nursery. I bought teal and orange colored paper and made three different sizes. At fist I only had two sizes and I just wasn't digging it, so I went out and bought more paper and made the little ones and it looks soo much better. So lesson if you don't like it fix it so you do. If you want t learn how to make these pinwheels I would be more than willing to show you. They are seriously soo easy.
The fist picture is the first round. It's ok but I just didn't love it. The second picture is the finished product and I love it!