
.:Early to bed, Early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise:.

-Benjamin Franklin

My dear roommates and I have decided to do an apartment biggest loser. None of us really need to lose a lot of weight, but summer is upon us and we have got to look fantastic in out
bathing suits.

My goal is lose about 15 pounds and tone up my muscles. High school was a while ago but man I was in good shape then. I know what I need to do to accomplish this. Eat better, sleep better, & work harder. Easier said than done for sure.

School is coming up fast. I need to get into the habit of going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.
Or the first day of school might just be a nightmare!
I know I can do it!

I get to move into my new apartment next week! I am so excited! It is going to be heaven on Earth! Come visit anytime! You are more than welcome!

That's all I really have to share for now!
Peace and blessings!

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